Monday, November 30, 2020

Intelligence and security experts skeptical of claims that Iranian nuclear scientist was targeted in 'remote control' assassination

Days after the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the country's state media painted an elaborate picture of the killing that makes it sound like something straight out of a second-rate spy movie.

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Yet another Italian village is selling $1 houses

You wait a while for a house that's practically given away to you, and then three come along at once.

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Covid-19: Lung damage 'identified' in study

Researchers are to investigate whether young people and those not in hospital could be affected.

from BBC News - Health

Covid vaccine: Rumours thrive amid trickle of pandemic facts

Social media is full of coronavirus vaccine information - but how can you tell which is reliable?

from BBC News - Health

Afghan major who helped save US pilot begs Pentagon to 'keep their word' to protect his family and him

Mohammed Naiem Asadi and his wife, Rahima, haven't slept well in days. They are too nervous to eat much. They are trying to keep their fear in check for their 4-year-old daughter. But their bodies sometimes betray them.

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Key questions about the assassination of Iran's top nuclear scientist

Iran's top nuclear scientist was killed Friday in the outskirts of Tehran, once again setting the Middle East on edge and threatening to bring further turmoil to the region.

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Assassinated nuclear scientist shot with remote-controlled machine gun, report says

The Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated Friday east of Tehran was shot by a remote-controlled machine gun operating out of another car, the semi-official Fars News Agency said Sunday.

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France's ruling party promises change in controversial proposed security law

French President Emmanuel Macron's ruling party on Monday promised to change the flagship measure of a proposed security law, which would restrict the filming of police officers, after the provision sparked large protests for infringing on free speech and police accountability in the country.

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Sally Davies: 'Poor public health made Covid worse'

Former Chief Medical Officer says high rates of obesity, deprivation and overcrowding have cost lives.

from BBC News - Health

Runestones open gateway to ancient Viking civilization

Drive north of the Swedish capital for about half an hour and you'll reach the lakeside district of Vallentuna, a pleasant community with cobblestone churches, picnic areas and playgrounds.

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Covid vaccine: Moderna seeks approval in US and Europe

Regulators will decide if it is safe and effective enough to recommend for widespread use.

from BBC News - Health

Coronavirus cases fell by roughly 30% during England's lockdown

Coronavirus cases dropped by around 30% in England during the country's second national lockdown, researchers say.

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Iran holds funeral for assassinated nuclear scientist

The funeral and burial of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran's chief nuclear scientist who was killed last week, was held on November 30. Top Iranian officials have blamed Israel for the attack without providing evidence to support their claims. CNN's Fred Pleitgen reports.

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Australia demands apology after Chinese official tweets 'falsified image' of soldier threatening child

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has demanded the Chinese government delete a "repugnant" and "falsified image" on Twitter that appears to show an Australian soldier threatening to slit a child's throat.

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Thai protest leaders report to police on charges of insulting the monarchy

Five pro-democracy leaders reported to Thai police Monday to face accusations of lese majeste -- a controversial and sweeping law that prohibits criticism of Thailand's royal family -- as authorities attempt to crack down on the country's growing protest movement.

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New Zealand officials file charges over deadly White Island volcano eruption

New Zealand officials have filed charges against 13 parties that allegedly failed to meet their health and safety obligations when visiting an active volcano which killed 22 when it erupted last year.

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Student Covid testing begins for Christmas exodus

Universities open mass testing centres for students so they can travel home safely for Christmas.

from BBC News - Health

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Covid: PM calls for 'unity' as he agrees to publish data behind new tiers

Boris Johnson will publish data behind England's new tiers later in a bid to win over Tory rebels.

from BBC News - Health

Job guarantees and free money: 'Utopian' ideas tested in Europe

Christine Jardine, a Scottish politician who represents Edinburgh in the UK parliament, was not a fan of universal basic income before the pandemic hit.

from - RSS Channel - World

More emissions means higher prices: More food brands want you to know their climate impact

Food labels already indicate how good or bad a product is for you. But good or bad for the planet? That's often much less clear. Now a growing number of brands are labeling their products to show their climate impact.

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Kim Jong Un is cutting off his economic lifeline, China, to stave off Covid-19

Kim Jong Un appears to have kicked North Korea's pandemic prevention plan into overdrive, further tightening the country's nearly impassible borders, cutting off nearly all trade with China and even allegedly executing a customs officials for failing to handle imported goods appropriately.

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Saudi judge refers activist's case to terror court

Loujain al-Hathloul, the jailed activist who led the charge to allow women to drive in Saudi Arabia, has gone from jailed rights activist to alleged national security threat. While human rights groups called on world leaders to use the virtual G20 Summit in Riyadh to pressure Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to allow her release, Hathloul appeared before a judge only to learn her case was being referred to a notorious terror court. CNN's Nic Robertson reports.

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Covid infections in England fall by 30% over lockdown - React study

There were an estimated 72,000 new cases of coronavirus a day in England between 13 and 24 November.

from BBC News - Health

Covid: Researchers fear cancer advances delay due to pandemic

Scientists fear research has been pushed back due to the pandemic, a survey suggests.

from BBC News - Health

Coronavirus: How do you vaccinate 7.7 billion people?

Five challenges of distributing a Covid-19 vaccine to billions of people.

from BBC News - Health

Car bomb kills at least 40 Afghan soldiers

A car bomb attack in Afghanistan's central province of Ghazni killed at least 40 Afghan soldiers and wounded 24, Ghazni public health department told CNN on Sunday.

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A fight broke out between lawmakers. Pig guts were thrown

Lawmakers in Taiwan threw pig intestines and punches at each other as a brawl broke out in parliament over a proposal to ease restrictions on pork imports from the United States.

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Covid-19: Don't 'take brakes off' Covid measures, says leading scientist

Easing rules months before vaccines take effect would be a "huge mistake", Sage expert says.

from BBC News - Health

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is driving a spike in suicides in Japan

In October 2020, more people died by suicide in Japan than were killed by the novel coronavirus in 10 months. Experts say this alarming spike is being partially driven by women, who often work in industries most affected by the pandemic. CNN's Selina Wang speaks to a Japanese woman who attempted suicide when she was struggling to make ends meet.

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Capital of Ethiopia's Tigray region under control of Ethiopian forces, says PM after intense bombardment

Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) have taken control of Mekelle, the capital of the country's Tigray region, according to a tweet from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

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Protests take place across France against proposed security law

Demonstrations took place across France on Saturday against the proposed global security law and its signature measure to restrict the filming of police officers. They came as calls to withdraw it were exacerbated by cases of police violence this week.

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Iran suffers more humiliation with killing of nuclear chief. But no one in the world's most febrile region wants war

It is the art of anything-but-actual war. The apparent goal of Iran's enemies, and possibly Iran itself, is in the next 50 days -- ahead of the US inauguration -- to be as antagonistic as humanly possible, without actually starting a full-blown conflict.

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Covid: Nadhim Zahawi appointed as vaccine rollout minister

Nadhim Zahawi will oversee distributing the vaccine in England until at least summer 2021.

from BBC News - Health

Friday, November 27, 2020

How California prisoners raised $30K for a high school student in need

It's hard to imagine two more different places than an elite private school and California's Soledad State Prison, which houses the state's largest concentration of men sentenced to life behind bars. But for the past seven years, the two worlds have collided in an unusual way: through a book club.

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Covid: Hospitals could be 'overwhelmed' without new tiers - minister

Michael Gove warns MPs strict rules are still needed in England despite lockdown ending on 2 December.

from BBC News - Health

China has reached a major milestone in ending absolute poverty. But the Communist Party isn't celebrating yet

Chinese President Xi Jinping reached a major milestone this week in his five-year long fight to end absolute poverty across the country -- but it doesn't appear that he's celebrating yet.

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Covid: Free Vitamin D pills for 2.5 million vulnerable in England

There is no evidence that it protects against Covid-19 but it could boost the health of the vulnerable.

from BBC News - Health

Covid-19: Mass testing a 'distraction' from vaccine rollout - health leaders

Public health leaders question whether it is possible to expand mass testing schemes in England.

from BBC News - Health

Covid Christmas: 'Avoid board games and sleepovers'

Scientists spell out measures to minimise coronavirus infection risk when rules are relaxed at Christmas.

from BBC News - Health

Uproar over Thanksgiving candies as Chinese university says it does not promote 'Western holidays with religious connotations'

A Chinese college student's threat to report a dormitory supervisor's offer of Thanksgiving candies has stirred a heated debate online over the government's tightening grip on campuses across the country.

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Protests erupt across Brazil after brutal beating death of a Black man

Brazilians outraged by the death of a Black man after being beaten by supermarket security guards have been protesting in major cities across the country, chanting a phrase familiar to Americans: "I can't breathe."

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R number for UK below 1 for first time since August

Scientific advisers to the government estimate the epidemic is no longer growing.

from BBC News - Health

Trump's election loss may have been a blow to populists around the world. But don't count them out just yet

For four years, Donald Trump has been the world's standard-bearer for right-wing populism. The movement didn't begin with Trump, but the US President championed it in a way no other leader could, using the weight of the most powerful office on Earth to give it legitimacy.

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Analysis: Hong Kong protester gets 21 months in prison for throwing eggs as city's judiciary comes under pressure to take hard line

A 31-year-old man has been jailed for 21 months for throwing eggs at a police station, the latest tough sentence handed down by a Hong Kong court as the authorities move to clamp down on political dissent in the Chinese territory.

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Knife-edge Swiss vote could make businesses liable for global rights abuses

Swiss voters are about to decide whether a business should be held liable for human rights and environmental abuses, even if the wrongdoing was committed in a foreign country by a subsidiary or a supplier it works closely with.

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Diego Maradona laid to rest in Buenos Aires

Legendary soccer great Diego Maradona has been buried near the grave of his parents at a cemetery outside Buenos Aires. Diego Laje describes how Argentinians are remembering the late football star.

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Coronavirus: Losing a baby during the pandemic

Couples share their stories of how Covid-19 restrictions exacerbated the impact of losing a baby.

from BBC News - Health

Covid: Woman left blind after treatment delayed in pandemic

Thousands of people in Wales are at "risk of going blind" because of delays, a charity warns.

from BBC News - Health

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Potential setback to AstraZeneca vaccine

• UN: Pandemic hurting far too many women • Germany urges EU nations to shut ski slopes • Europe pushes to rescue Christmas despite sacrifice of other religions

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French police officers suspended after a video emerges of them beating a Black man

Several French police officers were suspended Thursday after a video emerged of them beating a Black man in Paris.

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China slaps duties of up to 212% on Australian wine imports

Australian winemakers have been dealt another blow from China as tensions continue to spiral between the two countries.

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This Mini Cooper is built to race. No, really

The Mini John Cooper Works GP doesn't come with back seats and only 3000 will be made, but that shouldn't stop you from taking a ride in one.

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Britain's final Brexit choice could prolong the worst recession in 300 years

The UK economy is suffering its worst recession in more than 300 years and failing to secure a new trade deal with the European Union will make its recovery even longer and more arduous, according to the country's independent fiscal watchdog.

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Fox News staffers thought Newsmax was a joke. They're not laughing now

Fox News is taking action to stave off newfound competition from Newsmax TV.

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Whole Foods sent some customers a disconcerting email about their turkey

Bring on the frantic "where can I get a turkey TODAY?!" searches.

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Oxford Covid vaccine: Regulator asked to asses jab

The referral is "a significant first step" to a possible rollout of the vaccine, the government says.

from BBC News - Health

Controversial 'virginity tests' sold by UK clinics

The "unscientific" examinations are condemned by international organisations such as the UN.

from BBC News - Health

Cancer: Blood test for 50 types to be trialled by NHS

More than 165,000 people in England will be offered the tests from next year.

from BBC News - Health

Covid pandemic disproportionately hurting women, UN warns

The Covid-19 pandemic has set gender equality back years, with women around the world taking on the "lion's share" of extra domestic chores, the United Nations reported on Thursday.

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Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine 'dose error' explained

Some trial volunteers were given shots half the planned strength, so how does that affect the results?

from BBC News - Health

Ethiopia enters 'final phase' of operation in Tigray region, says Prime Minister

Ethiopia has entered the "final phase" of a "law enforcement" military operation in the northern restive region of Tigray after a 72-hour deadline to surrender expired, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed tweeted in a statement on Thursday.

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Covid-19: England's regional tiers announced

Details of restrictions for local authority areas in England are set out by the government.

from BBC News - Health

Inside Singapore's legal red-light district

"Ok, now we're about to walk past a corner selling sex drugs, see if you can spot the different pills."

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Coronavirus infections levelling during England lockdown

But in Scotland infection rates appear to be rising, according to Office for National Statistics data.

from BBC News - Health

Europe pushes to rescue Christmas despite sacrifice of other religions

2020 has been far from festive, but as the year comes to an end, many of Europe's governments are scrambling to avoid stringent lockdowns over the Christmas holidays.

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South Korean leader of online sexual blackmail ring sentenced to 40 years

The South Korean leader of an online sexual blackmail ring that targeted minors and young women was sentenced to 40 years in jail on Thursday, marking the end of an explosive criminal case that sparked outrage across the country.

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Abortion is legal in Namibia, but only if a woman is in danger or has been sexually abused. Activists are demanding reform

What do you do when your country is torn between decriminalizing abortion and maintaining its colonial abortion laws? Start a debate.

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How bistro loved by Bourdain is coping with second lockdown in France

French restauranteurs have been hit hard by two nation-wide lockdowns. Unions say that two out of every three establishments in the hotel and restaurant sector could go out of business as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. CNN's Melissa Bell reports.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Social care funding falls 'alarmingly short' - council directors

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said an extra £1bn in social care funding would be available to councils.

from BBC News - Health

British-Australian academic freed by Iran in apparent prisoner exchange

Kylie Moore-Gilbert, the British-Australian academic detained by Iran for more than two years on espionage charges, has been freed in an apparent prisoner exchange for three Iranians.

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Covid: England's regional tiers to be set out

Most areas are expected to be put in the two toughest tiers of restrictions when the lockdown ends.

from BBC News - Health

Duchess of Sussex discusses miscarriage in opinion piece

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, has revealed she suffered a miscarriage in July 2020 in an opinion piece written for the New York Times. CNN's Max Foster reports.

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Nearly 100 whales die in mass stranding in New Zealand

Nearly 100 pilot whales have died in a mass stranding on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand's Department of Conservation said Wednesday.

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India bans more Chinese apps as tensions remain high

India has banned dozens more Chinese apps, drawing a rebuke from Beijing and further straining already tense relations between the world's most populous countries.

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Critics say France's security bill will make it a democratic outlier

The French National Assembly have voted on a "global security bill" that human rights advocates say will make it harder to hold police to account. The most controversial article forbids the publication of images "that allow the identification of a law enforcement officer, with the intent to cause them harm." The law will not take effect until after it is also approved by the senate later this year. CNN's Melissa Bell reports.

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Why Christopher Walken's Irish accent went so wrong

"Welcome to Ireland," intones Christopher Walken over drone shots of lush green farmland, his unique halting speech patterns -- New York via the moon -- only occasionally troubled by the mangled specter of a County Mayo lilt.

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