Friday, April 30, 2021

South Asians in UK at greater risk from Covid

People from an Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi background suffered more, the Lancet study shows.

from BBC News - Health

Covid: Care home isolation rule axed for low-risk trips in England

The rules will be relaxed in England - allowing for trips without 14 days' quarantine afterwards.

from BBC News - Health

India doesn't want to shut down its economy again. It may get crushed anyway

India's government locked down the country last year to avoid an out-of-control Covid-19 outbreak that so many of the world's countries had endured. The plan was largely successful, but it crippled India's economy in the process.

from - RSS Channel - World

Biden administration completes North Korea review process, will pursue 'calibrated' diplomacy

The Biden administration has completed its months-long North Korea policy review, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Friday, telling reporters that the United States "is open to and will explore diplomacy" in a practical way.

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Ex-British police officer convicted for being member of banned neo-Nazi group is jailed

A former British police officer convicted earlier this month of belonging to a banned neo-Nazi group in the United Kingdom has been sentenced to four years and four months in jail, a representative of London's Central Criminal Court told CNN on Friday.

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Tigray could face famine without increased access to region, US aid official says

As the humanitarian crisis continues in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region, the US Agency for International Development is warning that the area could face famine if aid organizations are not granted unfettered access to the millions in urgent need of assistance.

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He dreamed of climbing Mount Everest. But Covid-19 stopped him

Sources tell CNN there are now dozens of suspected cases of Covid-19 at the Everest Base Camp - although officials deny it. CNN's Kristie Lu Stout speaks to a Norwegian mountaineer who developed Covid-19 symptoms while climbing the mountain.

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Covid: Brazil passes 400,000 deaths amid slow vaccination

The 14-day average of deaths and cases in the country has seen a slight fall but remains high.

from BBC News - Health

'When we come together it's powerful,' Thierry Henry says of social media blackout

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Hospital Covid admissions after jab 'very, very small'

Most of those affected were frail and elderly and at high risk of being very unwell, a study finds.

from BBC News - Health

EU accuses Apple of breaking antitrust law over music streaming

European regulators have accused Apple of violating EU antitrust law, saying the company's app store rules unfairly restrict rival music services.

from - RSS Channel - World

Covid-19 infections in UK back to late summer levels - ONS

The ONS estimates infections are 20 times lower than at the peak in January with 0.1% infected.

from BBC News - Health

Double crises of coup and Covid could push half of Myanmar's population into poverty, UN warns

Almost half of Myanmar's population could be forced into poverty by the end of the year as the country teeters on the brink of economic collapse caused by the double shock of a bloody military coup and the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new United Nations report.

from - RSS Channel - World

Dozens killed in crush at religious event in northern Israel

Israeli investigators are examining what caused a crush that killed at least 44 worshipers and injured 100 more at a mass religious gathering in Mount Meron overnight.

from - RSS Channel - World

India's ruling BJP Leader: We were too optimistic

A leader of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata party Narendra Taneja says the government is responsible for the current Covid crisis and that parts of his party were too optimistic in early 2021.

from - RSS Channel - World

Top US, Japanese and South Korean military leaders meet, underscoring US shift from the Middle East to China

The top US general met his South Korean and Japanese counterparts in Hawaii Thursday, emphasizing America's commitment to "long-term peace and stability in the region" and underscoring a broader US shift from the Middle East to China.

from - RSS Channel - World

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Covid deaths: More than 20m living in areas with zero Covid deaths

Analysis by the BBC suggests the UK is moving into a new phase of the pandemic.

from BBC News - Health

Covid vaccine offered to 40-year-olds in England

Nine out of every 10 people aged 45 and over have now had a jab in England, NHS officials say.

from BBC News - Health

US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House

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Prince William and Kate mark 10-year wedding anniversary with newly released pictures

Prince William and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, have released two new photographs to mark their 10-year wedding anniversary.

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Top US military intelligence official says Russian military poses an 'existential threat' to the US

The top US military intelligence official said during a congressional hearing on Thursday that the Russian military is an "existential threat" to the United States.

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US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has begun

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The UK has been extra frosty lately, thanks to historic dry weather

If the old adage "April showers bring May flowers" stands true, much of the UK will be in for a disappointment when the calendar turns to May 1 on Saturday.

from - RSS Channel - World

Overwhelmed cemetery shows toll of India's Covid-19 crisis

CNN's Sam Kiley reports from a cemetery in Delhi, India, amid one of the world's worst outbreaks of Covid-19. India's total number of cases has surpassed 18 million, with 379,257 new cases on Thursday, another global record, according to figures released by the country's health ministry.

from - RSS Channel - World

Gene therapy: 'Now I can see my own face again'

Jake Ternent was the first UK NHS patient to undergo revolutionary gene therapy to improve his sight.

from BBC News - Health

Are we ready for our smart home devices to become truly "smart"?

For decades, the smart home has been a mainstay in pop culture, from Disney's 1999 flick "Smart House," in which an artificially intelligent home takes on the personality of a domineering mother, to the retro high-tech home of "The Jetsons." The 1960s cartoon offered a view of domestic life a century later, from a grooming room that combs your hair and brushes your teeth, to the ever-attentive and overworked Rosie, the robot maid.

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Navalny appears in court for first time since ending hunger strike

Jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny appeared in court via videolink on Thursday to appeal a defamation conviction, in his first public appearance since he went on hunger strike.

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Germany puts anti-lockdown group under surveillance for possible extremist ties

Germany's intelligence service is putting some anti-lockdown activists under surveillance because of concerns they are attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the federal state.

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NHS England boss Stevens to step down this summer

After seven years in the job Sir Simon now becomes a life peer, the government says.

from BBC News - Health

The looming crisis in Brussels that no one is talking about

She's been a fixture of life in Germany for almost 16 years. But now the political stability that the country has enjoyed for so long under Angela Merkel is coming to an end as she prepares to stand down as Chancellor.

from - RSS Channel - World

India Covid-19: Deadly second wave spreads from cities to small towns

The virus is spreading to remote corners of India where healthcare is poor and the crisis under-reported.

from BBC News - Health

India Covid: Hospitals overwhelmed as deaths pass 200,000

There are fears the real number is even higher, as hospitals continue to turn dying patients away.

from BBC News - Health

'My doctor prescribed rambling for lockdown anxiety'

An 84-year-old widower expected to receive medication after he felt isolated during the pandemic.

from BBC News - Health

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Italian hermit on island alone is leaving after 32 years

He's become known as Italy's Robinson Crusoe after spending more than 30 years as the only resident of an idyllic island off the coast of Sardinia.

from - RSS Channel - World

Google CEO on India's Covid crisis: The worst is yet to come

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, tells CNN's Poppy Harlow what the company is doing to support India. He says, getting "the right information on the ground has been a big focus for us."

from - RSS Channel - World

Apple just had a massive quarter thanks to the 5G iPhone

Apple's steady stream of hardware upgrades and new services launched throughout the pandemic has held the company in good stead going into 2021.

from - RSS Channel - World

KFC's biggest challenge: People can't get enough of its fried chicken sandwich

America can't get enough chicken sandwiches. That's great news for KFC, which launched a new one earlier this year.

from - RSS Channel - World

Walmart is coming after Kanye West's Yeezy logo

Walmart is coming after Kanye West for releasing a proposed logo design that the retailer says too closely resembles the company's own logo.

from - RSS Channel - World

Hong Kong has fined a journalist for ticking a box. That shows the city's media freedoms are in jeopardy

Last Wednesday, Hong Kong journalist Bao Choy was honored for her investigative work. The following day, she was convicted for it.

from - RSS Channel - World

Free e-cigarettes for smokers in A&E trial

Patients will be selected randomly to measure how successful vaping can be in helping people to quit.

from BBC News - Health

Back to the office? Science reveals best desks to nab

Where you sit in an open-plan office can determine how content and productive you feel, researchers find.

from BBC News - Health

She fell in love with a man from the other side of the world

It was a summer's day in Byron Bay, Australia in early 2003. The sun was shining and Gianna Mazzeo, who'd been basking in its rays for most of the day, decided to freshen up with a swim.

from - RSS Channel - World

Saudi Arabia could sell more of its crown jewel. China is the most likely buyer

Saudi Arabia is considering selling part of its giant state oil company to a major foreign investor, likely from China.

from - RSS Channel - World

This journalist's tweets are disappearing. She explains why

CNN's Brianna Keilar speaks with Rana Ayyub, an investigative journalist and Washington Post columnist in India, about the unfolding coronavirus crisis in the country and the government's response under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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Boris Johnson will face formal investigation into apartment renovation costs

Britain's political spending watchdog will launch a formal investigation into the funding of renovations to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's apartment in Downing Street.

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Why Boris Johnson's apartment renovations have landed him in the political doghouse

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will face a formal investigation into the funding of renovations to his Downing Street apartment, after the country's political spending watchdog said there are "reasonable grounds" to suspect that an offense may have occurred.

from - RSS Channel - World

From supersized to a more natural look: The evolution of breast implants

Breast implants are more popular than ever. They remain one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries in many countries from the United States and Brazil to the UK and China. They're the subject of reality shows and tabloid spreads, a recurrent topic of celebrity culture and a perennial punch line.

from - RSS Channel - World

'I thought I would die.' Myanmar protesters describe torture they suffered in detention

The 19-year-old's eyes are so swollen he cannot open them properly. His face is marked with big purple welts and bruises. Etched into his shoulders and back are long, dark lacerations that have yet to heal over -- wounds, he said, that were inflicted when Myanmar military officers who had detained him whipped him repeatedly with cable wires.

from - RSS Channel - World

China offered Covid aid to India while US dragged its feet, but Delhi isn't that keen

When India asked the United States this month to lift a ban on exporting vaccine raw materials to help with the South Asian country's Covid crisis, Washington appeared to drag its feet, citing the need to "vaccinate the American people" first.

from - RSS Channel - World

Covid mutations from India may have crossed borders

India's devastating second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has spilled over to neighboring countries such as Nepal. Experts say thousands in Nepal may have caught the highly infectious variants from India. CNN's Lynda Kinkade reports.

from - RSS Channel - World

Leaked tape pulls back curtain on Iran's foreign policy

Karim Sadjadpour explains the significance of a leaked audio tape where Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks out about Gen. Qasem Soleimani and criticizes Russia's actions in the nuclear deal negotiations.

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Covid: Three cases of Indian variant found in Leicester

The cases are linked to travel from India and further testing is being carried out at a city school.

from BBC News - Health

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A short history of the world's tallest buildings

When New York's Equitable Life Building opened in 1870, the businessman behind the project, Henry Baldwin Hyde, was berated for having delusions of grandeur. Costing more than $4 million (around $81 million in today's money), his insurance company's headquarters soared a then-astonishing seven stories above the streets of Manhattan.

from - RSS Channel - World

Covid: One dose of vaccine halves transmission - study

People who get coronavirus after their first jab are up to 49% less likely to pass it on, research suggests.

from BBC News - Health

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital: 'Serious concerns' over three operations

The removal of a bile duct is one of three procedures by the same surgeon under investigation.

from BBC News - Health

Why India's Covid crisis matters to the whole world

The situation in India is a bleak reminder that none of us will be safe until everyone is safe.

from BBC News - Health

India coronavirus: Can it make enough vaccines to meet demand?

India is facing a surge in Covid cases while attempting to ramp up its own vaccine programme.

from BBC News - Health

Covid vaccine: Sore arm and headache most common side effects

A UK study of more than 600,000 people found reactions to the jabs were "mild and short-lived".

from BBC News - Health

Iranian attack boats harassed US warships in Persian Gulf again on Monday, Navy says

Iran's Navy once again harassed US ships operating in the Persian Gulf, this time coming within 68 yards of the ships on Monday night, prompting one of the American ships to fire warning shots, according to Cdr. Rebecca Rebarich, a spokeswoman for the US Navy's Fifth Fleet.

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US orders drawdown of government employees from Afghanistan embassy

The State Department on Tuesday ordered the departure of government employees from the US Embassy in Kabul "whose functions can be performed elsewhere" as the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan gets underway.

from - RSS Channel - World

Australian cricketers wear full PPE on flight to Delhi; Aussie PM tells IPL stars to make 'own arrangements' to return home

As the debate intensifies as to whether the lucrative Indian Premier League (IPL) tournament should play on amid a deadly Covid-19 second wave, Australian international David Warner was adhering to strict safety protocols as he took an internal flight in the country for a match.

from - RSS Channel - World

Rupert Murdoch abandons bid to launch TV news channel in UK

Rupert Murdoch has officially scrapped plans to launch a TV news channel in the United Kingdom.

from - RSS Channel - World

Teen girl footballers have double concussion risk of boys

But girls are less likely to be taken off the pitch and take longer to recover, a study finds.

from BBC News - Health

Lebanon battles swarms of locusts after wind changes direction

Army helicopters are spraying agricultural land in northeast Lebanon to help farmers battle swarms of locusts that flew to the country in what a United Nations agency said was a "very rare" event caused by a change in the wind direction.

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EastEnders actress Lacey Turner calls for better miscarriage support

Lacey Turner has has two miscarriages and believes the current system needs reforming.

from BBC News - Health

Israel accused of apartheid by Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch has accused the Israeli government of committing crimes of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians in a new report Tuesday, eliciting an angry response from Israeli officials.

from - RSS Channel - World

Myanmar military uses torture tactics on protesters

CNN's Clarissa Ward reports on the torture tactics, such as beatings with cable wires, the Myanmar military is using against pro-democracy protesters.

from - RSS Channel - World

Canada military will help out in the province of Ontario as the Covid-19 positivity rate hits an all-time high

Canada has deployed its military to Ontario amid a worsening Covid-19 wave that has caused the positivity rate to hit an all-time high in the province.

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Apple is the only company worth $2 trillion. That's about to change

Apple is the only American company to reach a $2 trillion market value. But it could soon have a lot more company in that elite club.

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A beginner's guide to crypto lingo

Investing in cryptocurrencies requires an appetite for risk and a whole new vocabulary. Here's a beginner's guide to the fundamentals of crypto lingo.

from - RSS Channel - World

India Covid: First UK aid arrives as coronavirus deaths mount

Oxygen equipment lands in Delhi but far more is needed to tackle a devastating Covid wave.

from BBC News - Health

Covid-19: Vaccine offered to 42-year-olds in England

Those who are due to turn 42 by 1 July can also book their jabs on the NHS website.

from BBC News - Health

Covid-19 in India: Visual guide to the crisis

Maps, charts and graphics explaining what is happening and what the authorities are doing about it.

from BBC News - Health

AstraZeneca: US to share up to 60m vaccine doses

Millions of doses will be available for export in the coming months, the White House says.

from BBC News - Health

Coronavirus: EU sues AstraZeneca over vaccine delivery delays

The pharmaceutical giant says the legal action is "without merit" and vows to defend itself.

from BBC News - Health

Monday, April 26, 2021

Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again'

Croydon University Hospital's clinic has already seen 1,000 patients, with another 500 on the waiting list.

from BBC News - Health

Kamala Harris announces US will send $310 million in humanitarian aid to Central America

Vice President Kamala Harris announced Monday evening that the US will send an additional $310 million to Central America "for humanitarian relief and to address food insecurity."

from - RSS Channel - World

Obama 'appalled by heartbreaking violence' in Myanmar

Former President Barack Obama issued a statement on Monday condemning the military coup in Myanmar.

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