Friday, July 5, 2024

Lucy Letby sentenced to 15th whole life term

The former nurse, 34, attempted to murder the premature baby by dislodging her breathing tube.

from BBC News

How to pull off an election all-nighter

You want to watch the results, but you also have a life to live... we have the plan to get you through.

from BBC News

Thursday, July 4, 2024

'I'm as happy as I've been in my life,' says aid worker Simon Boas as he faces death

Simon, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, offers his reflections on life and death on Radio 4's Today programme.

from BBC News

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How to pull off an election all-nighter

You want to watch the results, but you also have a life to live... we have the plan to get you through.

from BBC News

Your Voice, Your Vote: Mental health crisis in young

What will the main parties do to support children and young people with their mental health?

from BBC News

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hugh Pym: Is sugar the missing ingredient in election manifestos?

Sugar taxes have been widely debated but in party manifestos, the word "sugar" barely appears. Why?

from BBC News

Are we in a summer Covid wave?

Lots of people seem to have Covid at the moment but what is behind it and is it serious?

from BBC News

US pays Moderna millions to develop bird flu jab

Moderna is being given $176 million to work on a bird flu vaccine in case there is ever a human pandemic.

from BBC News

Your Voice, Your Vote: Mental health crisis in young

What will the main parties do to support children and young people with their mental health?

from BBC News

NHS gene check is helping children with cancer

Whole-genome sequencing enables doctors to quickly decide what medicines will work best.

from BBC News

Bionic leg helps amputees walk using mind control

A high-tech prosthetic leg enables amputees to walk naturally at normal speeds, a study suggests.

from BBC News